Pictures we took this weekend includes 40% MTXX effect LOL. Zapping out all the acne scars and pimples :-p
We're also giving a shot in the next BTO exercise - wish us luck. I heard it's really hard to get the bid in, well, we'll just see how it goes then! I know many friends have told me that we should have bidded for this earlier since we had been together for some time and will probably get married soon (???!!!).... but a year or more ago, we never had that plan to settle down. I guess you'll feel that "it's time" and that time is now for us. It's nice to feel affirmed about your choice!
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I've been breaking out severely ever since the 4th month of Dubai and I haven't had acnes that bad. I once counted the acnes and pimples I've had, and it accumulated to about 15 at one time!!! I used to fly a lot for my job and the cabin conditions and irregular sleeping hours made it worst. I think it was the lifestyle that evoked this entire acne problem. In addition, I've always had a skin doctors around because I am never happy with my skin condition (but I never had drastic breakouts in the past). They always tell me that the conditions are due to hormonal changes.
Gosh I must have tons of testosterone in me.
I've had friends who do BC pills like Diane35, etc but I'm a "scardy cat". I will never consume pills that my GP/Derm recommends.
Apparently my skin conditions also doesn't call for miracle drug, Accutane at all. Accutane has a good list of negative side effects so I guess the doctors won't prescribe unless your condition badly needed it.
from left: toner, comedone formula, hydrator, vitamin A gel, max-C (supposed collagen and most expensive of the lot), sunscreen and my khiels eye cream
I'm on my 4th month with Drx clinic situated in Orchard, and with Dr SK Tan whom Joyce recommends. Up till now, the treatment has cleared my forehead but I'm still left with breakouts on the jawline. Many papules and 2 acne leisons, darn guys, give me a break already!!
I'm still on antibiotics Spiro (25mg) for the next 6 weeks with the above and hopefully I see some magic. Vit-A gel has been introduced to me this week to lighten the scars but I just need the bumps to go away first. Well, with ageing these scars are more stubborn to stay than I was 21 of course!
I used to be more conscious about my problem but since this has been bugging me for slightly more than a year, I'm more concern about finding a stable cure than what people think about my skin condition. I've also tweaked my diet slightly which caused me to be slight underweight (oops) but I guess tons of fruits and veg could make me healthier, not just for the skin!
I'll keep updating this column and if I manage to find enough courage (plus if my condition improves), I'll post my condition with zilch makeup!
Ok time for bed!