I'm one and a half weeks into Singapore and it's the job hunting season for me.
To be honest, I am unsure of where I should start.
I've had an interview last week and everything went smoothly on the employer's side, and they are still waiting for a reply from me. However, I have had factors to consider, and I thought location was not ideal. Paycheck was good though.
Well, I hope I won't end up in a "beggers cannot be choosers" state but we'll see.
I did my hair at Sham's and I'm really happy with the treatment. SalonVim had a 30% off Privy Treatment package going on, so they got rid of the bad hair ends that Dubai's hard (unpurified) water left me. My hair is more manageable now. I just didn't think I will get away with highlights but that's what I got - a brown base and subtle red highlights;

I know you can't really see them here but I've not taken very proper pictures lately :\
He also snipped 1.5 inches off and I guess it looks neater than my previously untamed hair.
I haven't been in the best of mood so I won't be posting much photos here today. As much as I would like to write how exactly I'm feeling now, I think I'm torn between "needing tons of attention" and "want to be alone". I've saved a bit of savings when I was in Dubai but my logical mind's telling me that shopping won't be the best treatment.
Hopefully the drinks with Zam & Shaun will make me feel better tomorrow.
To JS and my brother, thank you for taking my sh*t these days. All I can say is, I'm still adapting.
He also snipped 1.5 inches off and I guess it looks neater than my previously untamed hair.
I haven't been in the best of mood so I won't be posting much photos here today. As much as I would like to write how exactly I'm feeling now, I think I'm torn between "needing tons of attention" and "want to be alone". I've saved a bit of savings when I was in Dubai but my logical mind's telling me that shopping won't be the best treatment.
Hopefully the drinks with Zam & Shaun will make me feel better tomorrow.
To JS and my brother, thank you for taking my sh*t these days. All I can say is, I'm still adapting.