It's been a long, long time I blogged. Time is passing so quickly, it's officially a year I've moved to Dubai.
I'll like to write about 2 things today, and end with a quote I like from an article I found on facebook.
First, I'll like to write about my blog.
Blogging used to be a one-person affair for me back in school days. I used to lock my private posts so that I could keep everything to myself.
It came to one point when blogging became a platform, where I shared tips, shopping, travel information, pictures, reviews with everyone, and vice versa.
Then blogging became commercial. I had advertorials, reviews that I uploaded items I like from the blogshopsphere, and I kinda enjoy that bit of attention I used to seek.
Recently, blogging became a little space for reflections, for me to write my thoughts, reclude, rethink about things. That's the best bit about living alone, you think A LOT more than you're surrounded by people. This space then became one where it didn't really matter if anyone reads.
What matters most is this place never left me, a platform for solitude.
I've also wanted to count the places I've been since I moved, and a new destination I've conquered quite recently is Sydney, where my good friend's living currently.
Sydney's a very vibrant and busy city, and the first day I went, I wasn't really lucky to have met a stormy Syd in Summer. Realised that the clothes I had with me wasn't adequate and Ming & I were freezing in that cold.

Sydney Opera House

The Rocks, a nice chillout place nearby the Opera House.
Bought some good Papaw (Papaya Ointment) which was well-raved everywhere. Got two because I'm still the good ol' Singaporean kinda kiasu. It's unlike me to go Sydney every other time so :)

Also stocked up a new fragrance by Gucci. I'm a girl who likes her fragrances girly and light.
Was in Auckland where I fell really sick so this was the only photo taken of me in my room when I was still well.
Back to Syd to meet my girl again where we had Japanese for lunch and cupcakes for dessert!

Brought me to the beautiful Darling Habour when the weather's really good. Not too sunny, yet breezy. Perfect for a good after-lunch stroll!

Here's a koala hanging on the tree, doing his afternoon nap.
Ming brought me around town (which happens to be George Street) and I saw a vending Havaianas! How cool is that. Basic flops for 20 Aussie :)

The oldest mall in George St.
I'll love to keep the photos coming (I do have some from Barcelona that I would kill to blog) but this sudden rush of 'feel' to blog doesnt come very often. I'm going for a holiday to Spain and Italy with JS for my birthday, and with that, I'm also glad to announce that I'm coming home soon! Well at least the strong urge to home has been bugging me.
Singapore, I've missed you so.
"Of course, you never really forget anyone, but you certainly release them. You stop allowing their history to have any meaning for you today. You let them change their haircut, let them move, let them fall in love again. And when you see this person you have let go, you realize that there is no reason to be sad. The person you knew exists somewhere, but you are separated by too much time to reach them again."

Sydney Opera House

The Rocks, a nice chillout place nearby the Opera House.
Bought some good Papaw (Papaya Ointment) which was well-raved everywhere. Got two because I'm still the good ol' Singaporean kinda kiasu. It's unlike me to go Sydney every other time so :)

Also stocked up a new fragrance by Gucci. I'm a girl who likes her fragrances girly and light.

Was in Auckland where I fell really sick so this was the only photo taken of me in my room when I was still well.
Back to Syd to meet my girl again where we had Japanese for lunch and cupcakes for dessert!

Brought me to the beautiful Darling Habour when the weather's really good. Not too sunny, yet breezy. Perfect for a good after-lunch stroll!

Here's a koala hanging on the tree, doing his afternoon nap.
Ming brought me around town (which happens to be George Street) and I saw a vending Havaianas! How cool is that. Basic flops for 20 Aussie :)

The oldest mall in George St.
I'll love to keep the photos coming (I do have some from Barcelona that I would kill to blog) but this sudden rush of 'feel' to blog doesnt come very often. I'm going for a holiday to Spain and Italy with JS for my birthday, and with that, I'm also glad to announce that I'm coming home soon! Well at least the strong urge to home has been bugging me.
Singapore, I've missed you so.
"Of course, you never really forget anyone, but you certainly release them. You stop allowing their history to have any meaning for you today. You let them change their haircut, let them move, let them fall in love again. And when you see this person you have let go, you realize that there is no reason to be sad. The person you knew exists somewhere, but you are separated by too much time to reach them again."